A component's uptime is calculated over a period of time and the default period is 90 days, if there was no outage in said period the uptime would be 100%.
To calculate the component's uptime we calculate the duration of outages from the start time to the time they were resolved.
A partial outage weight in this calculation is 30% the weight of a major outage, since a major outage will affect all users unlike a partial one and degraded performance does not affect the uptime of a component.
Here's an example for a 90 day period:
Total outages duration = Major outages duration in minutes +(0.3 * Partial outages duration in minutes)Total minutes = 90 * 24 * 60Uptime = ((Total minutes - Total outages duration) / Total minutes) * 100
The default status colors are green, yellow, orange and red, although you can customize your status colors to match your brand.
As downtime increases the status colors go from green to yellow to orange and lastly red, and each color becomes fuller as the minutes of downtime increase.