Maintenances API Reference

Get all page maintenances


GET /v1/:page_id/maintenances?page=:page&per_page=:per_page
  • The default page number is 1.
  • The default per_page number is 50 and the maximum is 100 items per page.

Example response:

"id": "ckf1fzzbt4nib0a352wwra6ff",
"name": "Test maintenance",
"status": "NOTSTARTEDYET",
"start": "2020-09-13T18:38:58.326Z",
"duration": 60,
"notifyStart": true,
"notifyEnd": true,
"notifyEarly": true,
"notifyMinutes": 60,
"autoStart": true,
"autoEnd": true,
"updates": [
"id": "ckf1fzzpal97v0a322evc874c",
"message": "We are planning for a scheduled maintenance during that time.",
"messageHtml": "<p>We are planning for a scheduled maintenance during that time.</p>",
"status": "NOTSTARTEDYET",
"notify": true,
"started": "2020-09-13T18:38:58.326Z",
"ended": null,
"duration": null,
"createdAt": "2020-09-13T18:39:16.606Z"
"components": [
"id": "ckf01fvnxywz50a35nh1qzssm",
"name": "Website",
"status": "OPERATIONAL",
"showUptime": true,
"site": {
"id": "ckf01fonve9i40a32oas5b0uw",
"name": "Nasa",
"subdomain": "nasa",
"color": null,
"logoUrl": null,
"publicEmail": null

Get a maintenance


GET /v1/:page_id/maintenances/:maintenance_id

Example response:

"id": "ckf1fzzbt4nib0a352wwra6ff",
"name": "Test maintenance",
"status": "NOTSTARTEDYET",
"start": "2020-09-13T18:38:58.326Z",
"duration": 60,
"notifyStart": true,
"notifyEnd": true,
"notifyEarly": true,
"notifyMinutes": 60,
"autoStart": true,
"autoEnd": true,
"updates": [
"id": "ckf1fzzpal97v0a322evc874c",
"message": "We are planning for a scheduled maintenance during that time.",
"messageHtml": "<p>We are planning for a scheduled maintenance during that time.</p>",
"status": "NOTSTARTEDYET",
"notify": true,
"started": "2020-09-13T18:38:58.326Z",
"ended": null,
"duration": null,
"createdAt": "2020-09-13T18:39:16.606Z"
"components": [
"id": "ckf01fvnxywz50a35nh1qzssm",
"name": "Website",
"status": "OPERATIONAL",
"showUptime": true,
"site": {
"id": "ckf01fonve9i40a32oas5b0uw",
"name": "Nasa",
"subdomain": "nasa",
"color": null,
"logoUrl": null,
"publicEmail": null

Add a maintenance


POST /v1/:page_id/maintenances

Example request:

"name": "Test maintenance",
"message": "We are scheduling a test maintenance",
"components": ["ckf01fvnxywz50a35nh1qzssm"],
"start": "2020-09-12 05:38:47.998",
"end": "2020-09-12 06:38:47.998",
"status": "NOTSTARTEDYET",
"notify": true,
"duration": 60,
"notifyStart": true,
"notifyEnd": true,
"notifyEarly": true,
"notifyMinutes": 60,
"autoStart": true,
"autoEnd": true,
"statuses": [
"id": "ckf01fvnxywz50a35nh1qzssm",
"translations": {
"name": {
"fr": "Entretien des tests"
"message": {
"fr": "Nous planifions une maintenance test"

Maintenances are expanded by default.

If you would like to collapse your maintenance and then expand it at a desired time, then you'll need to include and set isCollapsed to false and expandAt to your desired time.

Example response:

"id": "ckf1g4evp4o5s0a35vozxnjv5",
"name": "Test maintenance",
"duration": null,
"start": "2020-09-12T03:38:47.998Z",
"end": "2020-09-12T04:38:47.998Z",
"status": "NOTSTARTEDYET",
"updates": [],
"components": [
"id": "ckf01fvnxywz50a35nh1qzssm",
"name": "Website",
"status": "OPERATIONAL",
"showUptime": true,
"site": {
"id": "ckf01fonve9i40a32oas5b0uw",
"name": "Nasa",
"subdomain": "nasa",
"color": null,
"logoUrl": null,
"publicEmail": null
"translations": {
"name": {
"fr": "Entretien des tests"
"message": {
"fr": "Nous planifions une maintenance test"

Update maintenance


PUT /v1/:page_id/maintenances/:maintenance_id

Example request:

"name": "Test incident 2",
"message": "We are scheduling a test maintenance",
"components": ["ckf01fvnxywz50a35nh1qzssm"],
"start": "2020-09-12 05:38:47.998",
"end": "2020-09-12 06:38:47.998",
"status": "NOTSTARTEDYET",
"notify": true,
"statuses": [
"id": "ckf01fvnxywz50a35nh1qzssm",
"translations": {
"name": {
"fr": "Entretien des tests"
"message": {
"fr": "Nous planifions une maintenance test"

Example response:

"id": "ckf1g4evp4o5s0a35vozxnjv5",
"name": "Test maintenance 2",
"status": "NOTSTARTEDYET",
"start": "2020-09-12T03:38:47.998Z",
"duration": null,
"updates": [
"id": "ckf1g4ffi4o5y0a35rm76vuq9",
"message": "We're currently investigating an issue with the Website",
"messageHtml": "<p>We're currently investigating an issue with the Website</p>",
"status": "NOTSTARTEDYET",
"notify": true,
"started": "2020-09-12T03:38:47.998Z",
"ended": null,
"duration": null,
"createdAt": "2020-09-13T18:42:43.614Z"
"components": [
"id": "ckf01fvnxywz50a35nh1qzssm",
"name": "Website",
"status": "OPERATIONAL",
"showUptime": true,
"site": {
"id": "ckf01fonve9i40a32oas5b0uw",
"name": "Nasa",
"subdomain": "nasa",
"color": null,
"logoUrl": null,
"publicEmail": null
"translations": {
"name": {
"fr": "Entretien des tests"
"message": {
"fr": "Nous planifions une maintenance test"

Delete maintenance


DELETE /v1/:page_id/maintenances/:maintenance_id

Example response:

"id": "ckf1g4evp4o5s0a35vozxnjv5"