What Is Statuspage? Find Out Whether It’s Worth It

Helpful Summary

  • Overview: This article explores Statuspage, its benefits, and best practices for implementation, highlighting its role in business communication during outages.
  • Why You Can Trust Us: Instatus is trusted by major clients like Spotify and Twitch for its user-friendly interface, fast load times, and cost-effectiveness.
  • Why This is Important: Effective use of Statuspage builds trust, keeps customers informed during disruptions, and manages online reputation, reducing support tickets and improving satisfaction.
  • Action Points: Try Instatus for a fast, affordable Statuspage alternative to enhance your communication strategy during service disruptions.
  • Further research: To deepen your knowledge, explore our blog for articles on incident management, customer communication strategies, and best practices in tech support. We recommend starting with:

Wondering Whether To Use Statuspage For Your Business?

In our digital world, businesses rely heavily on online services and applications. However, this reliance creates new challenges, such as managing service disruptions, maintenance, and outages. 

If only there was a way to communicate such disruptions. Statuspage, created by Atlassian, does exactly that. It helps IT teams promptly inform clients about outages. 

While it’s become a go-to in the market, is it really the best option? This article from Instatus will explore Statuspage’s key features and whether it’s right for your needs.

Why Listen to Us?

We’ve worked with globally recognized brands like WISTIA, Deno, Podium, and Restream, providing them with top-notch tools for incident management, website monitoring, and API monitoring.

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Our outstanding user reviews on Product Hunt and Capterra showcase our tool’s success in optimizing the performance of online apps and websites.

What is Statuspage?

So, you know how sometimes websites or apps stop working and you're like, "What's going on?" Created by Atlassian, Statuspage is like a big bulletin board that tells you exactly what's happening.

When something goes wrong with a service you use, like if a game server crashes or a website is down for repairs, Statuspage lets everyone know. It’s a much better alternative than simply getting an error and wondering why everything’s gone wrong.

Nowadays, dozens of big companies use Statuspage, like GitHub (where coders share their work) and Discord (the chat app lots of gamers use).

Key Features of Statuspage

  1. Incident Communication: Manage incident reports in real-time, updating status from "Investigating" to "Resolved" to keep users informed at every stage.
  2. Component Status: Display the status of individual service components, like your website, API, database, and mobile app, to give a detailed view of each part's performance.
  3. System Metrics: Show real-time and historical data on key metrics like uptime and response times to build trust and demonstrate reliability.
  4. Notifications: Send automated email or SMS alerts to subscribers about new incidents or updates, reducing support requests during outages.
  5. Public and Private Pages: Create public status pages for everyone or private ones for specific users, maintaining a history of past incidents to analyze trends and demonstrate reliability.

Statuspage Pricing

Atlassian's Statuspage offers a range of pricing plans designed to meet various needs, from small teams to large enterprises.

Public Pages:

  • Hobby Plan: $29 per month, includes up to 250 subscribers, 5 team members, and basic customization options like email notifications and a custom domain.
  • Startup Plan: $99 per month, supports 1,000 subscribers and 10 team members, with additional features like SMS/webhook notifications and custom CSS.
  • Business Plan: $399 per month, offers 5,000 subscribers, 25 team members, and advanced customization with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, along with component subscriptions.
  • Enterprise Plan: Starts at $1,499 per month, includes 25,000 subscribers, 50 team members, and all Business Plan features, plus additional support and purchase order options​ (Atlassian)​​ (Atlassian Community)​.

Private Pages:

  • Starter Plan: $79 per month, designed for small teams with up to 50 authenticated subscribers and basic notification options.
  • Growth Plan: $249 per month, supports 300 subscribers and 15 team members, with customization options like custom CSS/HTML/JS and incident templates.
  • Corporate Plan: $599 per month, includes 1,000 subscribers and 35 team members, offering comprehensive features such as IP allowlisting and role-based access control.
  • Enterprise Plan: $1,499 per month, tailored for large corporations with 5,000 subscribers, 50 team members, and extensive customization and support options​ (Atlassian Community)​.

Audience-Specific Pages:

  • Pricing starts at $300 per month and includes 10 groups and 500 users. This plan is ideal for delivering tailored status information to different user segments. Additional groups and users can be added at an incremental cost​ (Atlassian)

How Statuspage Works

Here’s a typical workflow with Statuspage:

  1. Integration with monitoring tools: Statuspage often connects with various monitoring services to automatically detect issues across your infrastructure.
  2. Manual or automated status updates: Based on the detected issues or manual input, the status of various components is updated in real time.
  3. Notification systems: When status changes occur, subscribers (users, team members, or other stakeholders) are alerted through various channels like email, SMS, or even Slack.
  4. Display of real-time and historical data: The Statuspage continuously displays the current status and maintains a log of past incidents for transparency and analysis.
  5. Customizable branding and design: Most Statuspage solutions allow you to tailor the look and feel to match your brand, ensuring a consistent user experience.

Benefits of Statuspage

  1. Increased transparency builds user trust: By being upfront about issues, you demonstrate integrity and reliability, even when things go wrong.
  2. Reduced support ticket volume during outages: When users can easily check the status of your services, they're less likely to flood your support channels with repetitive queries.
  3. Centralized communication channel for all stakeholders: From end-users to internal teams, everyone has a single source of truth for service status. You’re making things less complicated.
  4. Historical data for analyzing and improving service reliability: The incident history provided by Statuspage can be invaluable for identifying recurring issues and improving overall system reliability.
  5. Improved user experience: By setting clear expectations and providing timely updates, you can reduce user frustration during outages.

Limitations of Statuspage

  1. Requires consistent maintenance and updates: A neglected Statuspage is worse than no Statuspage at all. Make sure that your customers are always getting the correct message.
  2. Can be costly, especially for smaller businesses: Traditional Statuspage solutions can be expensive, which might put it out of reach. Thankfully, affordable solutions like Instatus are changing this.
  3. May expose vulnerabilities if not managed carefully: Transparency is usually good, but please be thoughtful about how much technical detail you share publicly. Don’t put your assets at risk.

Best Practices for Using Statuspage

  1. Clear and Concise Communication: Remember that this is a form of digital PR. Keep your updates brief and easy to understand. Use plain language to explain issues so that both tech-savvy and non-technical users can follow along.
  2. Regular Updates: During incidents, provide frequent updates, even if there's no new information. A simple "We're still investigating" reassures users that the issue is being addressed. Aim for updates every 30 minutes during severe outages.
  3. Integrate with Monitoring Tools: Connect your Statuspage to monitoring services for quick, accurate issue reporting. This integration saves time and reduces the likelihood of errors.
  4. Customize for Brand Consistency: Align your Statuspage with your brand's identity by using your company's colors, fonts, and tone. This consistency builds trust and offers a seamless experience.
  5. Proactive Notification System: Allow users to subscribe to updates via email, SMS, or Slack. This proactive approach respects their time and keeps them informed without the need for constant checking.
  6. Be Honest and Transparent: Always be upfront about issues and provide realistic timelines for resolutions. Transparency fosters trust with your users.
  7. Use Component Statuses Wisely: Break down your service into logical components to provide more detailed and useful status information.
  8. Provide Context : Clearly explain the impact of issues and outline the steps being taken to resolve them. 
  9. Learn from Historical Data: Analyze past incidents to identify patterns and improve your systems and processes. This review can help prevent future issues and improve response times.
  10. Train Your Team: Make sure that relevant team members are trained on how to use and update the Statuspage. 

An Alternative to Statuspage: Instatus

At Instatus, we've made status pages faster and easier to use. Our pages load up to 10 times quicker and start at just $20 a month. 

Just because you’re a small company doesn’t mean you don’t need to look professional. With our customizable options, we match the status page to your brand with your own colors and styles.

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You can add as many team members and subscribers as you want without extra cost, which means everyone stays informed and works together smoothly. Setting up your status page is super easy and takes only seconds. 

Plus, Instatus works with popular monitoring tools to automate updates, so your team can focus on fixing problems instead of just reporting them.


By now, you have a clear idea of what Statuspage does. If you have a very large team and budget, then it could be right for you. After all, it reduces support tickets and provides valuable historical data at scale.

On the other hand, Instatus offers a user-friendly platform for quickly setting up professional status pages. It can be a much more cost-effective step towards better transparency and stronger user relationships.

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